Friday, January 1, 2010

Collecting Magic Words

While we appreciated the DailyOM's advice to collect magical objects and thereby create "tangible enchantment," may we suggest that a collection of magic words can actively shape one's metabolism of life? Magic words can ground one in the present or awaken primal vestiges. Magic words can uplift oneself and empower others. Magic words can add color to life's gray areas, bringing attractions into the limelight and letting repulsions fade to black. As with talismans and other magical artifacts, one always knows a magic word by its profundity.

One's collection of magic words can be as tangible and public as a dictionary or as subtle and private as the syllable of a mantra. One's magic words can be finger-drawn onto foggy windows, emblazoned on clothing, spelled on the seashore at low tide, strung on necklaces, mentally projected onto clouds, attached to key chains, painted in edible ink onto rice paper, carved into bookends, hung on the wall, recorded in a journal, tattooed onto skin, whispered to a loved one.


  1. ... even words in another language, that indeed look like symbols I cannot read.... are magical. Best of everything to you in the new year. May we all be blessed more than ever. -Jayne

  2. ...not sure that its not a "both/and" as one may need both the word and the object to cast one's spell. Harry Potter, for example, needed both the incantation and the wand to make the magic happen.

    But if one emblazons the word on clothing, attachs it to a key chain, hung on the walls, or carved into a bookend, aren't you making a magical object? :)

  3. You're right, Conjurer -- emblazoned words do constitute talismans. :-)
