Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Weird Magic Drummed In His Blood

A line taken out of context, from our dictionary of magic words:

There was magic in the words, a weird magic that beat through Matt’s head and drummed in his blood.

In other news, after long years of studying both the mystical Tree of Life and color symbolism, we're honored to be a part of this new release.

Just a reminder: the new home to our ongoing research into magic words and symbols is here:


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Prescriptions for Better Magic

When we're not studying mysterious old words, we're most likely making pictures of them. We had the pleasure and honor of illustrating the hysterical wordplay in the chapter titles of famed magician Jeff McBride's new book, The Show Doctor.

Catch up on our ongoing research into magic words and symbols here:


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I have the magic word, chiaroscuro, and I shall pass through the labyrinth.
—Teresa Flavin, The Crimson Shard (2012)

Chiaroscuro is the interplay of light and shadow.

The illustration is from an 1895 issue of The Canadian magazine.

A reminder: our posts about magic words and symbols spotted in the wild have officially moved here:
